About Us

The Citadel Preservation Party (CPP) is an apolitical party within The Citadel family that promotes the preservation of key aspects of cadet life that are integral to the development of Citadel cadets and the presentation of the corps to the general public.

The party was created as a means to combat the continuation of accumulating unnecessary changes following the release of the IPAC report during the Rosa administration.

The CPP advocates for a strict adherence to a 4th class system accompanied by close company ties and a structured military lifestyle throughout one’s tenure at The Citadel.

Additionally, the CPP champions the return of formations and uniform selections that represent The Citadel in the most distinguishable manner.

Statement of Principles

The CPP strongly believes that in order to sustain a healthy relationship between elected officials and constituents a responsive line of communication and a clear representation of ongoings concerning critical Citadel issues is imperative.

A major reason that the CPP was formed was to address the concern from alumni that they felt they were being left in the dark on matters of great importance. By making this concern a priority we want our supporters to know that we care about their opinion and hope to bring alumni back into the fold that may have distanced themselves.

Additionally, the CPP believes firmly that the honor code is a code that you live by for life, and any divergence from our stated platform by representatives without extenuating circumstances will not be tolerated.

Campaign promises are meant to be kept or at a minimum worked towards and a failure to do so is a failure on our part to keep our word.

Our Platform

The CPP platform is compiled from issues that most Citadel alumni have taken issue with over the past decade. These policies are all pieces to a much larger puzzle that the CPP believes make The Citadel experience complete. Together we promise to fight for our platform to restore the complete reverence that The Citadel once held.

1. Singular company assignments

Company association instills a sense of pride that fosters leadership and character development throughout one's tenure at The Citadel, ultimately producing one of the most well-respected graduates in the nation. Additionally, company association is the most cherished aspect of cadet life and creates an unbreakable bond carried with you for the remainder of your life. Taking this away will not only rob future generations of these experiences but also destroy the main connection between alumni and new graduates of The Citadel.

2. Family-style mess

Family-style mess is critical for creating and maintaining personal relationships in a time where technology has disconnected us further than ever from one another. There is no equivalent experience that brings the corps together quite like the mess hall. Additionally, the mess hall serves as a key tool of the 4th class system that installs proper dining etiquette by demanding strict discipline taught from cadre.

3. Extension of the 4th class system until the completion of the academic school year

Fourth class cadets require time to forge the bonds of their shared experience during a time when the most adversarial military college experience in the country has become second nature to them. After Corps Day, the knobs have survived the system - the remaining months of the academic year allow those cadets to thrive and grow as classmates and the future leaders of The Citadel in a way that cannot be replaced, let alone improved upon, by the school’s corporal academy or any other program. By moving Recognition Day up to Corps Day, the fourth class system now presents only adversity without the necessary time for growth and development during the final months of the academic year.

4. Re-implementation of 4th class haircut requirements

The standardization of knobs to include the haircut is vital to the first year of The Citadel development model. Learning to lead requires first learning to be a part of a group, and stripping away one's uniqueness is key to homogeneity. The knob haircut also helps distinguish them from upperclassmen, which has become increasingly important as discipline becomes more lax over the years making knobs more prone to break rank when wearing indistinguishable clothing such as PT uniforms.

5. Only approved leave uniforms to be worn to football games

Camouflage uniforms are utility uniforms that should be reserved for work-related or strenuous activities. When interacting with the public at leisure events only a leave uniform is appropriate. Not only is it more visually appealing and a better representation of the school, but it also affords self worth and pride due to the meticulous care it takes to present yourself in a blitzed leave uniform.

6. Return the pipe band to the front of formation

The bagpipes and their distinct sound are the spirit of the band. When alumni think of parade the most cherished memory is the sound of the pipe band marching by and leading the corps. Intermixing them with the regimental band detracts from both their unique and immaculate appearance as well as the appearance of the regimental band.